Tuesday, August 23, 2011

This Past Week (8/15-8/22)

This past week was my first week back in the gym after taking a week off to vacation the in the Wisconsin northwoods. I began a new program this week as I am experimenting with other people's work in an attempt to add to the SMS series, which I will resume writing at the turn of the year. Right now I am working through the I, Bodybuilder program written by Christian Thibaudeau of T-Nation.com. You can check out my training log for this program by clicking here.

My plan is to follow this program for eight weeks (2 weeks for each phase and skipping the transition phase at the end) and then moving on to another 6-week program. I'll unveil which program I will be doing next as this one comes to a close.

I, Bodybuilder is a 5-day split, with three days dedicated to focusing on the main bodypart of the phase and the other two days being total-body lifts. The lifts are done on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. I am picking up some really interesting concepts that I am planning on working into SMS^3, and I am very excited to see how the rest of the program goes for me.

I have also begun to do plyos and shoot again. Monday and Thursday I did plyos and Tuesday I shot for an hour. Wednesday I walked a mile in a weighted vest for recovery. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday I was in class all day for MAT, so I wasn't able to perform anything outside of my lifts for time reasons. Starting in September, I will be running a timed mile every Saturday in an attempt to break the 6-minute mark as I had to for basketball in college.

That's all for this past week. Now it's time to go live this one.

Get big or die tryin'.

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