What activities do you like to do? Are your muscles ready for those activities?
What does your daily life consist of? Are your muscles ready for those events?
What do you have in store for today's workout? Are your muscles ready to take on that challenge?
How do you know??

If you didn't sleep completely well, ate something that your body doesn't totally agree with, have some kind of mental/emotional stress going on, or any of a number of other factors, your muscles may not be absolutely ready to do what you want to do or do what you are asking or requiring them to do.
Muscle Activation Techniques™ can check in on your muscles and nervous system and assess that.
This is one of the greatest benefits of MAT and one that I utilize with all of my clients before we get into the meat of their workout for the day. Similar to what I discussed last week, performing CAMs and AMC&S tests before we head to the fitness floor gives me an idea of the state of their system at that moment in time. And this feedback isn't always the same as the verbal feedback I receive from them regarding how they are feeling, which, to me, makes it a vital aspect to keep tabs on.
Think of it kind of like a diagnostics check for your car. A brief assessment can unveil if something you were planning on doing should be momentarily put on pause because your body just isn't quite ready at this point in time. While that's not always pleasing to hear, it certainly is more enjoyable than suffering an injury because you didn't take the time to check things out beforehand.
Additionally, you may not be receiving the full benefit of your physical activity if everything isn't up to par before you begin. How much more could you achieve if your body was completely ready for what you were going to do?
While I check in on my clients' muscles every time we meet, having an assessment done every other week or even once a month can still be of great benefit. This little bit of time spent asking some questions can turn up some very powerful answers that may lead to a huge boost in the results you are currently getting through your exercise as well how you feel during your everyday chores and activities.
Are your muscles ready for your life?
Interested in finding out more? Check out the “Muscle Activation Techniques™” page.
Interested in setting up an assessment time or discussing this subject further? E-mail Charlie at charlie@selfmadefitness.com.
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