On Saturday evening I had the opportunity to go to dinner with a group of friends, two of whom have attained the RTS™ Mastery certification and two who are more along the lines of serious but recreational exercisers meaning they exercise often and they enjoy it and enjoy learning about it but it's not what they do professionally.
As imagined, it didn't take long for the conversation to turn to exercise and working out and for questions about RTS™ to be brought up. The question of, "What is RTS™?" was posed. It was a great question and one that I had stumbled through answering multiple times with my non-RTS™ friends, that is, until a very simple and clear answer was given that night.

"It's exercise," responded Michelle Amore.
"Oh so it's just exercise?" replied a good friend of mine.
"It's not just exercise. That's the point," answered Michelle. Then Pete Brown dove in and started discussing ideas and concepts further. It lead to a great conversation that I think was very eye-opening and thought-provoking for everybody.
But I want to go back to what Michelle said, because that was the first time I had heard that response given before. And it is absolutely correct. This exploration of force and mechanics and motion and structure and how everything interrelates manifests itself as exercise. But it is not the choreographed routine of exercise; rather it is an in-depth study of all the possible options that present themselves within any given scenario. Additionally, it is tools to potentially understand how to go about manipulating these options to best suit an individual's needs and abilities.
Most people miss out on all of these options because their exercise is governed by certain rules of how to perform exercises with preexisting labels instead of participating in exercise that is governed by, as is often stated in the manuals and during class, rules of the body and force.
To put it simply, this means most people are missing out on what exercise could be in lieu of staying within the box that historical continuity and present-day "experts" have determined exercise is.
To find out more, take RTS™.
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