Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Many Lives, Many Masters

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Brian L. Weiss, M.D.'s Many Lives, Many Masters is one of the most powerful books I've read and in my opinion is a must-read for anybody who is interested in being presented a different outlook on life and death and what it means to be alive.  Honestly, I would say this is a must-read for everybody, but I'm sure there is somebody out there who that would not be accurate for, so I'm trying to be a little more conservative with my recommendation.  Similar to The AlchemistMany Lives, Many Masters is right at the top of my all-time favorites list.

This true story is Weiss' recollection of the time he spent with one specific psychotherapy patient of his who was suffering from multiple phobias and constant cases of anxiety attacks.  After performing his traditional means of therapy with little result, Weiss decided to begin hypnotherapy with her.  Immediately in the first session he could tell he had stumbled on to a much bigger case than he originally thought as his patient began recalling events from what appeared to be past lives.

As the treatment progressed over the new months, Weiss was presented with many lessons from his patient's stories as well as from higher sources.

I need to be honest and say I really vibed with this book.  If I would have read it a year ago or six months ago, I'm not sure if I would have had the same response to it that I did.  A lot has changed with my mindset about life and death over the past four months or so, and this book spoke right to these beliefs.

Science tells us that in our absolute most basic form we are all just energy.  Science also tells us that energy cannot be created or destroyed, but rather it can only be transferred or transformed.  While our superficial physical shell that houses this energy may pass, the energy by which the physical is created and that which makes us has to have always been present and has to always be present from the beginning to the end of time.

These are the beliefs I now hold.  Whether you choose to believe the same or similar is not relevant, I only bring them up because this is the idea presented in Many Lives, Many Masters, which was my first time seeing the thoughts and beliefs I have in my head discussed in this format with this much conviction.

In addition to my recommendation above, if you are mourning a death or struggling to find solace in a difficult situation, I would highly recommend this book for you.

Enjoy this review?  Get a copy of Many Lives, Many Masters in the Self Made® Book Store!

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