Wednesday, April 14, 2010

This Past Week (4/5-4/11)

What is up, what is up, what is up??? So this past week was a REALLY good week for me. Not the best week I've ever had, but you know, solid all around.

So I finally got back on campus and could resume my normal eating, sleeping, training pattern. Let me tell you, after eating resort food for a week, cooking for myself again with all organic food was AWESOME. It was also nice not being completely drained from being in the sun all day so I could actually get some stuff done.

I started SMS6 the Monday after I got back. I decided to go with box squats again in this phase and then go back to free squats after this mesocycle is complete. I figured it made sense to keep them in there for two months so I could hit some heavier weights with it (triples and singles in this phase). So that was my lift Monday morning. Then Monday afternoon I did my first plyo session in about two and a half months. I stopped with the plyos in-season because I could feel myself getting worn down by mid-January. It was a great plyo session too.

Then Tuesday was my bench day, and I hit all of my weights clean and smooth, which was a great feeling after coming off of the week off in Mexico. Wednesday I did plate pushes in the morning for 15 minutes before class, emphasizing max effort during the pushes and only allowing 15-60 seconds recovery between sets. Thursday I was back in the weight room for deadlifts. I quickly finding out that I'm a much better deadlifter than I previously thought. Not that I a good deadlifter by any means, but I have definitely improved significantly over the last 5 months.

Friday was my standing military press day, and that went surprisingly well. I was starting to struggle with the weight at the end of SMS5, so I wasn't sure how SMS6 was going to start off, but just like every other lift that week I hit all of my reps clean. I was planning on doing my second plyo workout of the week, but I was feeling pretty drained, so I pushed that off until Saturday. Saturday afternoon I got my athlete on and killed my plyo session.

Now that basketball is over and the only training I'm doing is the training I put myself through, my ideal weekly schedule will look something like this:
Sunday: Squat Day
Monday: Bench (morning), longer plyos (afternoon)
Tuesday: Recovery work
Wednesday: Deadlifts (morning), alternate conditioning (plate pushes, hill sprints, etc.) (afternoon)
Thursday: Recovery work
Friday: Standing military presses (morning), shorter plyos & box jumps (afternoon)
Saturday: OFF

This past week the school weight room was closed on Sunday so I had to shift some things around, but it ended up alright.

On Saturday I also decided to restructure my plyo program such that it takes into consideration total time and total metabolic demand for each workout. In order to accomplish this, I will complete every workout in the program while wearing a heart rate monitor to figure out these numbers. This will be about a six month project or so, but I definitely think it's worth it.

Outside of training myself, I began training the Williams College Women's Soccer Team on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. We do speed and agility work for about 20 minutes before they play pickup games. I sent out the newest issue of The Source this past Thursday as well. If you are interested in signing up for my free monthly newsletter click here. Also, on Saturday I traveled with 2 other people to a farm in Vermont (Polymeadows Farm) to purchase raw goats' milk. It was a great trip because we got to see the milking process and play with the baby goats. I also picked up some goat cheese as well, which, by the way, is really, really good.

Well that's all that I can really think of that happened last week. Now it's time to go live this one.

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