Tuesday, April 27, 2010

This Past Week (4/19-4/25)

This past week was a good week for me. I was on my heavy triples week of SMS6, and I can feel that I am getting stronger every time I go to the weight room. The only thing that really changed for me in regards to my workouts was where I did plate pushes on Wednesday. I switched from a linoleum to a wood floor, and while my shoes could grip the wood better, the plate could as well. Plus the wood floor is longer, which meant that instead of doing sets of 25 second sprints I was now doing sets of 45 seconds sprints. I definitely had to cut the total number of sprints down, and when I completed my last set the only thing I had the energy left to do was to roll over onto my back and breathe. I didn't throw up this week though, haha, but my quads kept giving out as I walked down flights of stairs to the locker room.

I also worked with the Williams College Men's Basketball Team twice, as well as the Williams College Women's Soccer Team twice. All of my clients are progressing and reaching their goals, which is awesome to see. I also got an incredibly compliment from one of my clients this past week when he told me that after he mulches on the weekend his back and knees are no longer sore and he doesn't feel completely exhausted anymore. This man isn't training to enter a body building contest or to run a marathon, he's training to be healthy enough to be able to fully enjoy daily life, and that is an incredible goal. Speaking of marathons, my boy Chris Warren ran the Boston Marathon this past Monday, finishing in about 3 hours and 40 minutes. Congrats man!!

Anyways, that's all for this past week. Now it's time to go live this one.

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