Sunday, May 2, 2010

This Past Week (4/26-5/2)

This past week was my deload week of my strength training. I take a deload week every fourth week, as I have mentioned in previous posts. This deload week was much needed as I could feel both of my shoulders were starting to wear down and my body overall was pretty tired. I rehabbed my shoulders Monday through Friday with stim and ice, so we'll see how they feel tomorrow morning when I bench.

I did plyos twice again this past week, sticking to the Monday/Friday pattern. I also did plate pushes on Wednesday and recovery work on Tuesday. Thursday I had recovery work planned but became bogged down with sessions and class.

I was hoping to begin planning for the newest issue of The Source on Saturday and Sunday, but unfortunately my schedule got filled up again so that never happened. The May issue will be coming out later this week, however, so look for it in your inboxes soon! And if you haven't signed up for it yet, make sure to do so by following this link:

My weight has finally gotten up to a respectable level as I broke 230 for the first time since October this past Friday. I've definitely made a conscious effort to be taking in more calories throughout the day. I also have been drinking a ton of raw milk, and I think that has a lot to do with this weight gain. I'm feeling strong, though, and I think that as long as my shoulders stay healthy I will be able to get very close to the training goals to reach by graduation that I had set for myself to back in January: 500 free squat, 450 deadlift, 350 bench, 225 standing military press. I would say my deadlift is the closet to that goal right now, but I think all of them are within reach.

I wrote the new program for the Williams men's basketball team this past week as well, and I think they will see great results from it. They've progressed out of their GPP/Bodyweight phase and are now beginning to use external resistance.

That's all for this past week. Now it's time to go live this one.

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