Friday, May 21, 2010

This Past Week (5/9-5/15)

This past week was my filming week of SMS 7. I got all of the exercises taped and uploaded to YouTube and my Exercise Index. As far as the lifts themselves, SMS 7 proved once again that it's timed sets are a superior form of training, in my opinion, to a pre-determined number of sets. I'm not kidding you, these lifts I've been having have been ridiculous. Not only has my training volume and efficiency gone up, but I feel so much stronger as well. I can't wait until I am able to release SMS 7 to the public for you all to purchase and try for yourself.

On that note, another thing that happened this past week was I put up SMS 1 through SMS 3 on my website, making it the first public releasing of the S.E.L.F. Made Simple Series. I also made SMS 4 through SMS 6 available for purchase on my site. SMS 4-6 are selling at $15 a copy, which means you can get 6 months worth of training programs for only $45! And not just some random programs that I put together, but programs that I have put together for myself, programs that I know work, and programs that have all of their instructional videos up in the Exercise Index. Believe me, this is a SERIOUS deal!

This past week I also did my plyometric sessions twice and recovery cardio sessions twice as well. All of that work is going well, and I feel very fit and explosive. I also had two of my articles featured on "The Parasympathetic Secret" and "The Hills" were the two articles that were featured, and while there were a lot of people who expressed their doubt in the comments section of "The Parasympathetic Secret", I know from the experience of doing this training myself that it actually works. I think that's the biggest difference between myself and a lot of other performance coaches and trainers: while at one time some of the coaches out there may have been fit and active enough to actually use their training techniques on a regular basis, everything that I put into practice with any of my clients is something that I have already done and that I know works. So while some of the middle-aged or even early-30's coaches out there may have had accomplished athletic careers in the past, they are not using the same techniques or training methods that allowed them to have the careers that they did. Therefor, if you're not doing something yourself, how do you know if it truly works?? I'll let you ponder that.

Well that's all for this past week, now it's time to go live this one.

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