Tuesday, May 25, 2010

This Past Week (5/16-5/22)

This past week was a HUGE week for Self Made!! In case you haven't seen, the site got completely redone, and it looks awesome! Maria Tucker, a student at Williams, helped me put it together, and she did an amazing job. There are still some things that are in the works for the site, but for now it is a significant improvement as far as the professionalism and individualization of the site are concerned. This was by far the biggest thing that happened all week.

The Self Made Facebook and Flickr pages were released as well, and I am very happy with the progress that has happened with both in such a short time. I was also able to finish uploading all of the videos for SMS7 onto YouTube and the Exercise Index, and the Exercise Index was completely reorganized as well so now exercises are listed by name and prime mover!

As far as my training went, this past week was my heavy triple week for SMS7. All of my lifts went really well as I was able to hit all of my weights for my main lifts and able to increase weight from Week 2 for my supplement lifts. I didn't do plyos or alternate conditioning at all this past week because it was also finals week, so I limited my cardio to my recovery sessions on Tuesday and Thursday.

That's pretty much it for this past week. The website was the biggest news, and I'm really excited about this new format and what it will allow me to do and what it will do for my business as well. Now it's time to go live this week.

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