Saturday, June 5, 2010

This Past Week (5/23-5/29)

This past week was a short week for me. It was my deload week for my lifts, which was very much needed since both of my shoulders and my right hip were aggravated. It was also a short week because of the fact that Wednesday afternoon I left for Cleveland to watch my girlfriend run at the D3 Track Nationals. Because of this, I lifted Sunday through Wednesday. I also did plyos on Monday and Wednesday and I did hill sprints on Tuesday afternoon.

I recorded a couple videos as well. On Monday morning after my lift I shot a video for the Total Random X Challenge by Underground Wellness. The contest was to see who could use their TRX suspension trainer in the most random place. I shot my video in the library and was declared the winner for that week. Then, later that afternoon, I shot a video on how to get "squash quick".

I also issued a challenge via the Self Made Facebook Page, which stated "Find a hill that takes you roughly 6 seconds to sprint up when you're fresh. Sprint up and walk down as many times as you can in 20 minutes. Get at least 30 sprints in." This was my hill sprint workout on Tuesday. I got 32 sprints in.

Thursday, Friday, and Saturday were days that I took completely off to let my body heal and to enjoy my time at track nationals.

That's all for this past week. Now it's time to go live this one.

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