Wednesday, June 30, 2010

This Past Week (6/20-6/26)

This past week was a lighter than normal week for me. It was my heavy triples week in the weight room, and all of my lifts went really well. One thing I found to really help me as of late was to lighten the weight I was using for my working sets and just focus on hitting clean, powerful reps. This really reduced any chance of injury for me and also allowed me to not be completely drained for the next two days after my lift.

Aside from lifting, I didn't do any other form of training Sunday through Thursday. On Friday, however, I joined my dad and three uncles on a 60 mile bike ride around southern Wisconsin. Now, understand that I haven't ridden a bike for more than two minutes since my sophomore fall of high school, i.e., six and a half years ago. Not to mention everybody else rides semi-frequently, weighs at least 40 pounds less than me, and has these suped-up rode bike, whereas I was pedaling my mountain bike. Well, let me tell you, I was absolutely gassed by the end.

My quads started cramping a little before we stopped for lunch at the half way point, and after lunch they were cramping full on. I rode that way for about a mile and half and then had to stop to get some electrolyte tablets out of the sag wagon. After taking these tablets and massaging my quads I began to feel better, so I got back on and rode again, but the cramps started back up within the next two miles. I finished out the leg like that and then took some more electrolyte tablets at our next stop. Finally, the cramps went away at the beginning of the fourth and final leg. And despite all of that, I was still the first to cross the finish line haha.

This was an annual ride that my uncle puts on called "Ride To Farm". The main ride is done on a Saturday, with the first part of the ride being completed on Friday with a smaller group. The Friday ride is the one I did. It was a lot of fun, but I think once a year is enough for me right now. And by the way, I burned 4,230 calories in the 3 hours and 40 minutes I spent riding on that day. I know because I wore my heart rate monitor.

Nothing much else went on this past week. I'm trying to get the Self Made Discussion Board alive and kicking, so if you haven't signed up already click here to do so and join in on the conversation! Also, The Source comes out next week, so if you haven't signed up already make sure you do so! Here's a YouTube advertisement I just put out earlier today:

Well, that's all for this past week. Now it's time to go live this one.

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