Tuesday, June 22, 2010

This Past Week (6/6-6/12)

This past week was a very big week for me. On Sunday I graduated from Williams College, which means that all of my effort and focus can FINALLY be put towards Self Made and training. This was also a transition week from my testing week to SMS 8.

After graduation I didn't do anything for Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday. I just took those three days to let my body fully heal so I could start up hard again on Thursday. On Thursday I began SMS 8. Starting mid-week made the timing of everything challenging, but I had a plan so I would be on track by Week 3.

Thursday was my squat day and I could feel that the extra time off definitely helped. This first day of SMS 8 went really well and I felt great the entire lift. I also did my first plyo workout in over two weeks later that afternoon.

On Friday I had Day 2 of SMS 8, which was my bench workout. This day was put together somewhat last minute as I thought I was going to be deadlifting on Friday but the gym I do my deadlifting at ended up not opening until the following Monday. The session went well and the training day turned out great so I was really happy with everything. Then after my lift I went home and mowed the yard.

Saturday ended up being my deadlift day and I was very pleased with how this day turned out and how the session went as well. This lift was my only workout of the day, but I was feeling a little gassed from hitting it hard the past two days.

That's all that happened this past week. Now it's time to go live this one.

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