Wednesday, July 28, 2010

This Past Week (7/11-7/17)

This past week I was in Cleveland on vacation. I didn't have any intense workouts during this time, rather, I just used the time to let me shoulders heal. I did attend a yoga session on Tuesday for an hour, and that was a new experience for me and one that I really enjoyed. I had always done yoga in my own home before, never in a studio, but having an actual instructor there brought a whole other dimension.

My nutrition was less than perfect during this time. I didn't eat any junk food or drink, but my ability to stick to my metabolic typing diet was very limited due to the fact that I had little to no control over my meals. When I would eat at restaurants I did order steaks and salad, but the consistent high fat, high protein, lower carb diet that had made me feel so well in the previous weeks was definitely not the same. Needless to say, my blood sugar suffered.

Well, that's all for this past week. Now it's time to go live this one.

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