Wednesday, July 28, 2010

This Past Week (7/18-7/24)

This past week I was back on my grind both mentally and physically. On Sunday I started with my squat day for SMS 9. It was week 2 so I did all of my filming for SMS 9 this week. After taking the week off, my legs felt GREAT! I had so much pop in my squat it was awesome!

Monday was my bench day and I could definitely feel that the week off helped my shoulder heal. I also did a bunch of reading on Monday, finishing "How to Eat, Move, and Be Healthy" by Paul Chek.

Tuesday was my first of three interview days. In the morning I had a plyo session and after that I drove down to Chicago to interview at XSport Fitness. The interview went really well, and I drove back to Wisconsin that afternoon.

Wednesday was going to be a long day for me so I just did yoga in the morning. Then I drove back down to Chicago for two more interviews, one at HealthQuest Fitness and the other at FFC Gold Coast. After those two interviews I checked out apartments in the Gold Coast area and then headed back to Wisconsin.

Thursday morning I had my deadlift day. After pulling conventionally for two months it is really nice to get back to pulling Sumo style. After my lift I drove down to Chicago for my fourth interview in three days, this time at UNICUS Fitness. Before my interview I looked at another apartment building and really liked what I saw. The interview went well, and after the drive home I called the building manage of the apartments I looked at earlier that day and let them know that I would be taking one. I also called FFC Gold Coast as I rode the Metra to my car to let them know that I would be accepting their job offer.

Friday afternoon I had my fourth lift of the week, and even with all of the travel that had taken place in the previous days I still was able to lift really well.

Saturday morning my mother and I drove up to Madison to shop at this HUGE farmers' market around the Capital. There were a ton of people there, and what was really interesting to me was that the percentage of overweight and obese people at this farmers' market was miniscule compared to the rest of society. Coincidence? I think not.

Well, that's all for this past week. Now it's time to go live this one.

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