Monday, August 9, 2010

This Past Week (7/25-7/31)

This past week was my last full week in Wisconsin. After finding a new job at FFC Gold Coast and an apartment, I was ready to unleash in the weight room. However, on Sunday I did a plyo session and about 2/3 of the way through I felt a pop right below the knee cap. This was not what I wanted at all, so I stopped the session and iced.

On Monday I had my first lift of the week, and because of the knee injury the day before I decided to do my bench workout instead of my usual squat workout. I don't know what was going on that day, but I just did not feel strong with my bench. The rest of my workout went really well, but that seems to be a bit of a trend where my bench doesn't go as well as I would hope.

Tuesday I still wasn't ready to squat, and since I did a pushing workout the day before the only thing left to do was back. My back workouts are accompanied by deadlifts, but because of my knee I decided to skip the deadlifts and just work my upper body again.

Wednesday I did a sprint workout in the pool. It had been a while since I had done this, and even though it was a short workout I was still breathing really hard. I went to the deep end and used my running form to keep me afloat as I sprinted 15 seconds on 45 seconds off for 5 sets and then 5 seconds on 25 seconds off for 10 sets. I would highly recommend this workout for anybody wanting to mix up their training or looking for a low-impact, high intensity, anaerobic workout.

Thursday my knee finally felt good enough to squat, so I did, and I did well at that. In fact, my knee didn't bother me at all during the workout. At the end I did a ten minute bike sprint workout, going all out for 15 seconds and then going at 55 RPMs for 45 seconds for ten sets.

Friday was my military press day and, similar to my bench day, my main lift didn't go as well as I had hoped but my supplemental lifts went really well.

That's all for this past week, now it's time to go live this one.

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