Sunday, August 15, 2010

This Past Week (8/8-8/14)

This past week I started SMS 10. SMS 10 is similar to SMS 9, with the biggest difference being that SMS 10 also manages to include the "Super Squats" program, with a Self Made twist of course.

Monday was my squat day, and after taking the previous week off my legs felt GREAT! I hit my weights cleanly and I moved through my workout very efficiently. This was also the first day that I worked with a client at FFC Gold Coast. I had a good training session with him Monday evening, and it felt great to be working with people again.

Tuesday morning I did my bench workout, and honestly, I felt pretty strong during this session and my shoulders didn't hurt at all. I ran sprints on the basketball court after I finished lifting for some quick cardio. I did 10 sets of sprints down and back from baseline to baseline and had to do each in 10 seconds or less with 30 seconds rest between each sprint. It was a short sprint workout but it definitely got my heart rate up.

Wednesday morning I did a plyo session for 30 minutes. I didn't lift at all this day, but got some good anaerobic training in through the plyos. I had my second session of the week, which was my first paid session, Wednesday evening as well.

Thursday was my deadlift day, and boy was I excited to deadlift again. I got through my warm-up sets and then during my first working set somebody from management comes over and asks me to stop as it is making too much noise and the people the floor below are complaining. I couldn't believe it! Seeing as I had just been hired on, I really didn't want to argue with the guy right then, but really?? I wasn't dropping the weight or anything. Well, I was not happy, to say the least, and I had a lot of adrenaline going in to my next exercises, so the rest of my lift went really well haha.

Friday was my military press day, and man I felt good! The past couple phases I have been struggling with my military press, but not this day. I hit my planned weights and I hit them clean. It felt really nice to finally have a Friday where I didn't have to drop weight or struggle every rep. Friday evening I had my third session of the week, too.

Saturday morning I went back to the gym and played in pickup games for two hours. The competition wasn't great, but it felt good to be out there running up and down. Assuming my work schedule allows for it, I am going to try to make it to these games every week, although I already know I'll have to work this upcoming Saturday haha.

That's it for my training update. Aside from that, I am all moved in to my apartment and liking it here in Chicago. I have been doing all of my grocery shopping at Trader Joe's, and I am loving that they have such a selection of grass-fed, organic beefs, although I do wish they could sell raw milk here in Illinois. Since my training of clients has been light as I get established, I have been reading a lot and studying for the CSCS exam too. In fact, I finished four books this past week on training and nutrition.

Well, that's all for this past week, now it's time to go live this one.

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