Wednesday, August 25, 2010

This Past Week (8/15-8/21)

This past week was my singles week for SMS 10 and it was also my first official week of work. While I had been working with one client for the previous week, I was unable to get booked to see any new clients until Monday the 16th. It was also my taping week for SMS 10.

Sunday was my squat day. It was also a day when I wanted to put time into recovery and relaxation. Because of this, I went to a beginner's yoga class from 11:00 AM to noon and then squatted after. The yoga class didn't tire me out for my lift, but I definitely felt that it would have been more advantageous to switch the order of these events, i.e., squat earlier in the morning and then attend yoga. Nonetheless, I still felt good during my lift and hit singles at 425. This is the most weight I have squatted without using a belt, something I decided to do at the beginning of the summer.

Monday morning I had a new member fitness orientation (NMFC), which is a free session given to new members. Basically, it is how we (the trainers) are supposed to get new clients. After this session I had my bench day, during which I hit singles at 295. I had a paid session that evening with my client from the previous week.

Tuesday morning I had another NMFC and then I did plyos after. After that I went to the sauna for a bit and came out feeling great. Plyos are going really well and I should have enough information by the end of the year to format the program the way I want to. After that I am planning on putting it up for sale in the store!

Wednesday was my deadlift day, and after my run-in the previous week with management, I decided that it would be best to wait until it was late at night to deadlift. I was packed with NMFC's all day and spent over twelve hours at the gym on Wednesday. My lift went really good though as I hit singles at 445 pulling sumo style.

Thursday was a more relaxed day for work than Wednesday, but I was still there eight hours. I decided to take this day off from working out so I could have a solid lift the next day.

Friday I had an NMFC in the morning and then I lifted after that. Then I got a free 60 minute massage from one of the therapists at FFC in exchange for a free training session in the upcoming week. After that I sat in the steam room and left work very relaxed.

Friday evening I received a call from my supervisor asking if I could be the FFC rep on a Kenmore cooking show that evening with Whole Foods. I jumped at the opportunity and made the 20-minute walk over to the studio, arriving right before filming began. The show went well and it was a lot of fun being on camera and answering people's questions.

Saturday morning I was once again the FFC rep, this time at City Chase Chicago, presented by T-Mobile. I was there for almost four hours and passed out all of my business cards, so I am hoping that those will turn into clients. After all of that I needed to unwind for a bit so in the afternoon I went for a 20-minute run along Lake Michigan.

Well that's all for this past week. Now it's time to go live this one.

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