Monday, August 9, 2010

This Past Week (8/1-8/7)

This past week was my scheduled deload week for SMS 9. This was also the week that I moved into my new apartment in Chicago. Needless to say, my scheduled deload week became a week of not working out at all. I guess that's not really fair as I was constantly walking all day around Chicago, trying to figure out where things were and making multiple trips to the grocery store, etc. So I was getting some form of exercise in, but as far as any type of intense training, it was non-existent.

On Friday I did have to move all of my furniture though, with the help of my brother and his friends, so I did get some lifting in then. Also, on Saturday I went for a bike ride all around my area and along Lake Michigan to get myself better situated with where I am living.

On Wednesday I also sent out the August issue of The Source. If you are not signed up for my FREE monthly newsletter, you can do so by clicking here. I NEVER sell or give away your e-mail address, it is simply for the purpose of sending you The Source.

Well that's all for this past week. Now it's time to go live this one.

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