Tuesday, July 13, 2010

This Past Week (7/4-7/10)

This past week I began SMS 9. The biggest difference between SMS 8 and SMS 9 is that I have added complexes to the main lifts every day. So, for example, after performing a working set of squats I will immediately perform 5 box jumps. I have used complexes in my training for a couple years now and have experienced great gains in strength while using complexes so I felt it was very necessary to work them in to the SMS series.

Monday was my squat day and after my deload week the week before I felt very strong. After my lift on Monday I sent out the July issue of The Source. In this issue I wrote about the final three lessons I learned from the bike ride. To read part one, check out "The Bike Ride" in the articles section on my site!

On Tuesday I was definitely feeling the complexes from the day before. I went to the weight room and had my bench day, and the deload week most certainly helped my shoulder. I also had a plyo workout on Tuesday. Wednesday was my deadlift day, and it was a welcome switch back to Sumo style from the Conventional style I was using to pull in SMS 7 and SMS 8. After my lift on Wednesday I spent the day sending out resumes and cover letters to gyms in the Chicago area. I received a lot of good feedback and am very excite about what the future holds. Wednesday evening I played basketball for the first time in a three weeks, and unfortunately I rolled my ankle during the first game. It wasn't a major sprain, but it was enough that I stopped playing after that game.

Thursday morning I had my military press day, which contained some lower reps for the arms and some higher reps for my chest and overall it was a very good lift. I mowed the lawn when I got back and was able to move fairly well on my injured ankle.

That was all my activity for the week as Friday morning I left Wisconsin bright and early and drove to Cleveland. So that's all for this past week and now it's time to go live this one.

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