“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”

This week’s book review is on Charles Duhigg’s The Power of Habit. Habits allow us to perform tasks without the need for conscious thought and action. In a way, they make our brains more efficient. By not having to put conscious thought into complex tasks, such as those listed above, we save valuable energy that could be used for more important things that require our concentration. This tool, which from an evolutionary perspective was once a necessity for survival, is now the likely
culprit as to why making lifestyle changes, and therefore physique changes, can be such an incredibly difficult and frustrating effort.
The body and mind adapt to the lifestyle they are continually exposed to. Part of this adaptation, comes in the form of creating habits, or automatic routines, which allow us to perform the same daily tasks with much less thought and energy. We end up doing, thinking, eating, and saying things without necessarily consciously choosing to. Then when we try to make changes, we often become stressed and have difficulty sticking with the new pattern. This generally is made worse when we try to make big changes, or more than one change at a time. For example, a person who decides to start on a brand new diet, exercise program, and sleeping schedule will likely have more difficulty continuing the new lifestyle than if they made much smaller changes over a more gradual period of time.
Thankfully, not all habits are created equal. There are certain habits or behaviors, known as keystone habits, that when applied correctly, activate other habits, some of which are seemingly unrelated. In other words, by changing one habit, you can sub-consciously empower yourself to change other habits that will either help or hurt your goals. For example, you will generally be more productive on days when you make your bed in the morning than days you do not. The simple act of making your bed positively alters your behaviors for the rest of the day.
One way to make significant change in your life is to optimize your keystone habits. In each following issue of The Source, we will include one keystone habit to focus on changing for the month. Just one small change a month can lead to a profoundly happier, healthier life in only a year’s time.
Enjoy this review? Get a copy of The Power of Habit in the Self Made® Book Store!
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