"Decision is the ultimate power. That's how you take the invisible and make it visible; how you take what you dream about and make it happen." -- Anthony Robbins

Why? Well for one, it's peaceful. I'm usually the only person awake at that time so it is very quiet and this is calming for me. My brain seems to work well at this time of the day and I find that I am highly productive. So, being both an introvert and somebody who thrives off of productivity and seeks out productive environments, the mornings and I work well together.
But there is something else about the mornings that I really love, too.
In the morning, there is endless opportunity to make that day into whatever I want. There is a massive potential to get things done, to experience and think through different things, and to progress. I have complete confidence that I am the creator of my day; that whatever I desire to have happen, can and will happen because I expect it to. I focus solely on what I can control and do not pay any mind to that which I cannot.
This excites me immensely, like a little kid on awaking on Christmas, because whatever I find under the tree of my day will undoubtedly be great.
Another morning is in our presence. Another opportunity to experience life is merely a decision away.
What decisions will you make today? What will you create for yourself? What do you expect the outcome to be?
Decide to be great... and expect greatness.
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