The only treadmills that will be allowed in Self Made will be used for sprint work or recovery work. I am so sick of seeing people tell me that they are going to get their cardio in by staying on the treadmill for 30 minutes while they zone out for an entire TV program. If you are that bored with your cardio routine that you have to watch the news or re-runs to pass the time, you are in serious need of a cardio overhaul. Stimulate your mind and your metabolism with these alternative forms of conditioning:
- Plate pushes
- Battling ropes
- TRX circuits
- Body weight circuits
- Kettle bells
- Jump rope
All of these should be done in a high-intensity fashion, going for a 1:1 to 1:2 work:rest ratio. That means if you jump rope all-out for 30 seconds each set, rest 30-60 seconds between sets. As your stamina and recovery time improves you can use a 2:1 work:rest ratio. If done at the correct intensity, you could easily burn three times the calories in half the time using these methods. That's a training session that's six times more effective. Boom.

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