I see it everywhere--TRX in the gym, TRX at the park, under the tree, in the office, in your sleep. No, but seriously, I even used the TRX in the library during finals week. So yeah, clearly it can be used in a vast array of locations, but what is it actually good for?? I mean, what does it actually develop?? You see Drew Brees using it as A training tool, but believe me, I've worked with Drew and it is definitely not the only piece of equipment Drew uses. And yet it is proclaimed by some to be the be-all, end-all of training equipment.
After playing around with the TRX for countless hours, training myself and others (including Drew) on it, here is my list of what you DO use the TRX for and what you DON'T use the TRX for. The "Do" list is probably more complete than the "Don't", which could conceivably go on indefinitely.
- DO use the TRX to train your back.
- DO use the TRX to strengthen your rotator cuffs and the surrounding muscles.
- DO use the TRX to train the stabilizing shoulder muscles.
- DO use the TRX to train your rectus abdominus, internal and external obliques, spinal erectors, and other lower back and ab muscles, but please, DON'T tell me you are "training core".
- DO use the TRX to psychologically mix up your training.
- DO use the TRX as a pre-hab/re-hab tool.
- DO use the TRX to liven up your warm-up.
- DON'T give me this crap about how the TRX develops lower body power and explosiveness and then show me a lung-hop or a runner's stride on the TRX.
So that's what I have for you. I'm going to stop the "Don't" list now before I lose my mind with all the claims that have been made about this device. The takeaway, though, should be that when it comes to working with competitive or everyday athletes, the TRX is just a piece of the puzzle, not the puzzle itself.

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