Friday, September 17, 2010

This Past Week (8/29-9/4)

This past week was my deload week for SMS 10. Sunday was my squat deload, and everything went as planned. I thought I was going to be able to get a nice, relaxing yoga practice in after, but instead of doing the beginner's class for an hour, I decided to do the regular class for an hour and a half. Big mistake. What I was hoping would be a great Shivasina ended up being 90 minutes of shoulder isometrics. Sweet.

Monday was my bench deload and, per usual, the deload lift went well. Afterwards I ran sprints on the basketball court. I ran a sweet sixteen (sideline to sideline 16 times in under a minute), then did a 12, 8, and 4, resting 60 seconds between the sets. I was gassed by the end and actually threw up twice after I finished, but I ran them a lot better than I thought I was going to. I had a few sessions on Monday, and all and all it was a really good day.

Tuesday I had an early-morning session and then did plyos after. Even though my body weight has been going up the past five weeks or so, I feel really good when it comes to jumping and moving, and I know that doing the Self Made plyo program is a huge contributor to that feeling.

Wednesday was my deadlift deload. It was also my 23rd birthday. I had a couple sessions early in the morning, then hit up the weight room to move some poundage. The lift was solid, nothing spectacular, and the rest of the day I spent reading and studying until my sessions in the evening.

Thursday I had an earlier start than on Wednesday, and that earlier start turned in to a long day at the gym. I didn't train at all on Thursday because of the hours I was working and also so I could just give my body a day off.

Friday was my last day of SMS 10. It was my military deload and I had a plyo session too. There were a few training sessions throughout the day, intermingled with reading back at my apartment. Even though I really liked SMS 10, I have to say that I'm very happy to be done with the isometric portions of it. I am hoping those holds will allow me to break out of the little plateaus I was in and allow me to start bumping up my working maxes again.

Saturday morning I played pickup basketball at the gym for a couple hours. Like I said earlier, even though I have been putting on weight I feel like I am moving a lot better than I was this summer. I spent the rest of the day relaxing and studying for the CSCS.

Well, that's all for this past week. Now it's time to go live this one.

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