Tuesday, September 21, 2010

This Past Week (9/12-9/18)

This past week was my second week of SMS 11, i.e., my filming week for SMS 11. Sunday is normally my squat day, but because my girlfriend was in town I didn't go to the gym at all that day. So, I ended up doing 4 lifts in 5 days instead of my normal 4 lifts in 6 days, but it was all good.

Monday ended up being my squat day then. I have lightened my working max for my box squats for this phase. Before I was at a 460 working max for back squats, but I have dropped it down to 405 for this month. This was done for two reasons: One, my max for box squats is definitely lower than my max for back squats. Secondly, I wanted to be able to focus on really exploding off of the box instead of having long, slow reps each set. This lift went really well and I definitely can feel myself getting stronger.

Tuesday was my bench day. I lifted in the morning and then did my regular Tuesday plyos in the afternoon. Tuesday was a long day at the gym work wise, so taking a few hours for myself there was huge.

Wednesday I didn't work out at all. I had been at the gym a total of 24 of the previous 48 hours so I really didn't feel like working out that day. I only had two sessions that day as well, so I did those and took the rest of the day to get things done around my apartment.

Thursday was my deadlift and back day. I don't know what has been going on lately, but I feel like the bar is definitely slipping out of my hands a lot more than it was before. I think I am going to start using chalk again, so hopefully I don't get yelled at for "making a mess". I'm hitting my weights fine though.

Friday I was back on schedule with my workouts. After a couple sessions in the morning I came back to the gym for a plyo session followed by my military press day. My military press has definitely improved the most for me as of recent. I feel really strong with this and have been seeing my weights go up nicely.

Saturday morning I played pickup for a couple hours before having one session and then spending a lovely, rainy Chicago day on the sofa watching college football.

That's all for this past week, now it's time to go live this one.

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