Monday, September 27, 2010

This Past Week (9/19-9/25)

This past week was my final heavy week for SMS 11. Per usual, Sunday was my squat and yoga day. I hit my weights during my lift nicely. In fact, I felt really strong this day. Afterwards I attended the yoga basics class for the first time in about three weeks. Man, that was exactly what I needed too. The intensity of this class is pretty low and this allows me to relax and actually enjoy the class a lot more. I made a trip to the steam room after the class ended and that only furthered my calm and relaxed state. I spent a lot of time in the afternoon studying for the CSCS this day as well.

Monday I hit the flat bench and although I had to work at a slightly lower weight than I would have liked to, the weights on my accessory lifts went up again from week two. After I finished my scheduled lift I shot videos for a workout program that I put together for a former teammate of mine. I'm not going to lie, the program is pretty intense and I am really excited to see how he responds to it. In the afternoon I uploaded all of the videos from SMS 11 to YouTube and my exercise index. There is still one more video I have to shoot for the warm-up on day 2, but let's be serious, none of you are that far along in the program anyways so I don't feel particularly bad that it isn't up right this second. Monday evening I played pickup basketball at the gym. There were a bunch of former college players there so the runs were pretty good.

Tuesday I wasn't feeling that well so I didn't work out at all. I had to go to an orientation meeting for work, which I wasn't very fond of, and I had sessions throughout the day.

Wednesday I had my deadlift and back day. I hit my weight for my deadlifts and all of my weights increased for the accessory lifts, so it was a good day with the iron. In the afternoon I had my plyo session that I missed from Tuesday. The rest of this day was spent reading and training others.

Thursday I had one of the most spread out days at the gym that I have had. My day started with a 6:30 AM session, then I had one at 11:00 AM, then 4:00 PM, and finally 7:00 PM. Before my 4:00 session I did my first cycle of Cratos Training Circuit 3. Wow, that was a serious workout. It took me 40 minutes to complete and I burned almost 800 calories doing it. I was gassed by the end. After my 4:00 I decided to stick around the gym instead of going to dinner before my 7:00. This allowed me to attend another yoga class Thursday evening, restorative yoga. This yoga session was an hour of complete relaxation, and I am desperately hoping that I will be able to continue to attend these classes.

Friday was my military press day as well as my second plyo workout of the week. The plyo session went fine, but my lift was not good. I have been feeling really strong with my military press the past six weeks or so, but Friday was definitely an exception. I had to drop 30 pounds on my working sets, which was frustrating, but I guess some days are better than others. My weights on my accessory lifts stayed the same as well.

Saturday morning I played basketball at the club again and then spent a lot of the day watching college football and reading for the CSCS. Saturday night I did write a new article though, "Build Your Pyramid", which can be found in the articles section of my website.

That's all for this past week. Time to go live this one.

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