Friday, September 17, 2010

This Past Week (9/5-9/11)

This past week was the start of SMS 11. Because I was up late the previous night I decided to sleep in on Sunday and not attend yoga. This was completely fine with me, especially after the previous week's episode with hatha yoga. So I started SMS 11, bringing everything back to the basics and shortening my lift. After I finished at the gym I went back to my apartment and read.

Monday was bench day, and I must admit, even though my lift on Sunday was significantly shorter my legs were REALLY tight on Monday. I had a session in the morning and then went in to my world. Just like on Sunday, the shorter, simpler lift of SMS 11 kicked my butt and by the end I was gassed. That, plus the tightness of my legs, led to the simple decision of no post-lift sprints.

Tuesday was my plyo day, and although my legs were still a little sore from Sunday the session went really well. I would with a bunch of clients throughout the day and was able to sign some new clients to packages. Tuesday was also the day I sent out the September issue of The Source. If you are interested in signing up for my FREE monthly newsletter, you can do so by clicking here and entering your e-mail address.

Wednesday was my deadlift and back day. I did an exercise that I hadn't done for a while and by that afternoon my back was feeling it haha. My day was, once again, filled with sessions, and when I wasn't at the gym I was back in my apartment reading.

Thursday was my off day. My body was needing time to rebuild, so I gave it that time. The day started early with some clients, but I got a lot of reading done as well.

Friday was a really long day for me at the gym. The day started with a 6:00 session, followed by two more sessions right after. Then I had my fourth day of SMS 11 as well as a plyo session. I had one more session after that, then it was back to my place for lunch before heading back to the gym for a few more sessions in the afternoon.

Saturday morning I played pickup again, get my weekly aerobic conditioning in. I played for a couple hours and felt great after.

That's all for this past week. Now it's time to go live this one.

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