Monday, April 4, 2011

This Past Week (3/27-4/2)

This past week started with my last MAT Jumpstart class on Sunday before starting the internship in June. It also marked the beginning of SMS^2.4. Monday I squatted, Tuesday I bench, Wednesday plyos, Thursday deadlifts, and Friday circuits. I made the decision to cut my plyo workouts to once a week and cut my circuit training down to two sets, compared to the three I was doing before. I am also not doing anymore SMF for a while. The reasoning is very simple--I want to get big. I want to finally commit to putting on weight, and until I get myself to above 235, I will continue to do less of this high-intensity movement training and opt to add additional lifting into my days.

I have also decided to add extra lower back work and posterior deltoid/mid-trap work into my daily training. This is purely for injury prevention purposes as well as to help with my posture. I have also added more grip work into my training. I get yelled at when I deadlift and the weight hits the floor to loudly, so I figure if I can strengthen my grip and set the weight down under control they can't tell me nothin' (Kanye voice).

Early in the week I released a new article, too. It was on kettle bell training and how great kettle bells are for training grip strength. To read the article, check it out at

Also, on Friday I received word that "Self Made®" and "Making the world a better place, one athlete at a time.®" are officially trademarked! This has been a process that's gone on for over a year and nine months now, and I am SO happy that everything worked out! A HUGE, "Thank You!" goes out to Gloria Pinza and her staff at Pierce Atwood for all of their help is making this possible.

Alright, that's what I have for you all for this past week. Now it's time to go live this one.

Get big or die tryin'.

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