Monday, April 18, 2011

This Past Week (4/10-4/16)

This past week was my heavy triples week for SMS^2.4. As I said last week, I squatted and deadlifted on Saturday. On Sunday I had bench and rows, Tuesday I had military press and pull-downs, and Thursday I had a body weight circuit. On Monday and Wednesday I had recovery arms days, and Friday was an abs/balance/hip mobility day. Overall it was a very productive week in the weight room and I am really enjoying the new split.

One thing I have been spending time on each day the past few weeks is grip work. I usually train both my crushing grip and my pinching grip in the same days, but have a greater focus on one or the other each day. I have noticed significant improvement in my grip strength since I began making it a priority in my training. I am also still continuing to do the upper and lower back work each day, and I have definitely noticed an improvement in my posture as well as how my shoulders feel the days after I bench heavy.

Also, like I said last week, I have been drinking a gallon of milk each day for the past nine days and have enjoyed a solid nine-pound weight gain over this time. I plan on continuing the method for a month, at which point I will evaluate where I am and where I want to go.

That's all for this past week. Now it's time to go live this one.

Get big or die tryin'.

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