Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Too Sore for Cardio??

I received an e-mail from a client yesterday that said she would be canceling her training session with me this week because she didn't wan to be too sore for her cardio the rest of the week. This client is not a person training for an athletic event or for weight loss; just someone who is training to live healthier. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the e-mail. When, America, did we fall so far that we are to believe sitting on an elliptical for 40 minutes a day while we mindlessly stare into a TV screen six inches from our face is not only a substantial form of exercise, but a superior form as well?

There are many different avenues I could pursue with this post, talking about how the catabolic hormonal response to long bouts of aerobic exercise is slowly killing you; how people who only perform low-intensity aerobic exercise have extremely low quantities of muscle mass, and therefore are lacking a natural metabolic stimulator to keep their metabolism high when they stop working out; how doing anything but high-intensity sprint work or recovery work on cardio equipment is a completely inefficient way to train, both from a caloric expenditure standpoint and from a anabolic, physiological, and evolutionary standpoint as well.

I am sure all of these topics will be covered in due time, but for right now I just want y0u to think about that reason I was given as to why this client couldn't train. Think about how many times in your life you opt to take the easy way out rather than challenging yourself to achieve more, to be more. If you're not happy with how something is in your life, it's up to you to change it. I challenge you to be more today than you were yesterday; to be more next week than you were this week. I challenge you to make a commitment to yourself right now that when temptation rises to take the easy way out you will not allow yourself to continue to falter but rather you will take control of your life, your dreams, your visions and do something that is uncomfortably challenging.

Too sore for cardio? Ha. We should all be so lucky as to be too sore for cardio.

Get big or die tryin'.

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