Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Five Favorites for Training Mental Toughness

Mental toughness is something that is severely lacking in today's society. With the options to opt-out, take an easier path, restart, and do-over all around us, the ability to grind, fight, and endure are becoming endangered. Check out these five favorite drills/exercises of mine to get us back to the latter.

1. Plate pushes/Prowler pushes

There are very few physical activities that require more mental toughness than willingly taking the Prowler head on, and walking, or crawling, away victorious.

2. Body-weight isometrics

Isometric push-ups and pull-ups, iron cross, and wall sits are all great exercises to test mental toughness.

3. Farmer walks

You're just going for a little stroll; no big deal. Sandbags, dumbbells, tires, trap-bars, and kettle bells are awesome tools for to use for farmer walks. Wrap towels around the handles to thicken them up and take the game to a whole new level!

4. Weighted Front Bridge/Side Bridge

Front bridge and side bridge are difficult enough for most people. Now trying adding some more weight on to their body using a weighted vest. Like the other body weight isometric exercises, with these you can either find a distraction as the clock ticks or embrace every moment of the experience. Either way, you better not move before the clock runs out.

5. Bear Crawls

After seeing the "Death Crawl" video I posted a few weeks back, there is no way that these weren't making this list. How far can you go? And I don't want anything less than your best effort. You absolute, very best.

Get big or die tryin'.

Charlie Cates is a strength and conditioning specialist and the owner of Self Made® (http://selfmadefitness.com/) in Chicago, IL. He has worked with competitive and everyday athletes of all ages and ability levels, from 9-year-old kids to NFL MVP's. He can be reached via e-mail at charlie@selfmadefitness.com.

This article may be reproduced with biographical information intact.

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