Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Future of Self Made

Most people are sharing their ideas for fear of somebody else taking them. Most the time I am that way, but this time is different. Self Made will be changing in the next 12 months, and I want you to know what is in store.

One thing I have always prided myself on is my ability to prescribe an exercise routine based exactly on an individual's needs. The problem is, I was only really individualizing the heavy training part of it and, more recently, the cool down as well. But, what if I could do more? What if I could individualize the warm-up as well? I'm not talking about Athlete A does jumping jacks and Athlete B does fling jacks and Athlete C does seal jacks. I'm talking about, "I see the external rotation of your right hip is very limited. Let's do ____ to warm-up today so we can open that up before you squat." This goes beyond foam-rolling your IT bands so your knee doesn't bother you; this is taking the knowledge of abhorrent muscle function and compensating patterns and fixing the source of that problem at that very moment.

If you aren't in my field, this probably sounds like a ridiculous idea and may not be a very entertaining thought for you. Even if you are in my field, this may sound stupid. But let me tell you something, only when you individual EVERY aspect of a training program will that person be able to see maximum benefit and result. The reality is, the warm-up is not being individualized for people, and if it is, it isn't being done in an effective way because people are still suffering non-traumatic injuries. Obviously an improper warm-up isn't the only cause of this, but it is most certainly A cause.

I don't care what you can do; I want to know what you can't do. Your limitations dictate your training, which, if done properly, will allow you to do what you do to the best of your physical and mental ability. Your limitation make your training. Self Made.

Get big or die tryin'.

Charlie Cates is a strength and conditioning specialist and the owner of Self Made® (http://selfmadefitness.com/) in Chicago, IL. He has worked with competitive and everyday athletes of all ages and ability levels, from 9-year-old kids to NFL MVP's. He can be reached via e-mail at charlie@selfmadefitness.com.

This article may be reproduced with biographical information intact.

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