Tuesday, June 14, 2011

This Past Week (6/6-6/12)

This past week was the end of my heavy triples week, with military press and lat pull-downs on Tuesday. To be honest, I was dragging the whole week. Not from exhaustion, but I think I am starting to get burned out, physically and mentally, from SMS. With that in mind, I'll be switching things up in my training in the coming weeks.

So I lifted on Tuesday. Monday I did some arms stuff, Wednesday I did a high-rep lower body scheme, and Thursday I did a high-rep upper body scheme. I have been using such heavy weights during SMS, it was nice to switch things up with some lighter work. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday I was in class all day for my MAT Internship, so those three days were recovery days.

I have set the goal for myself to weight 238 by August 5. If this does not happen, three of my friends in Chicago get to put me through body weight circuits until I throw up.

That's all for this past week. Now it's time to go live this one.

Get big or die tryin'.

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