Monday, June 6, 2011

This Past Week (5/30-6/5)

This past week was the end of my singles and beginning of my heavy triples for SMS^2.6. Monday was Memorial Day and I had plyos in the morning. Tuesday was my military press, lat pull-down, and back accessory day. Wednesday was my body weight circuit day. Thursday was a recovery day consisting of incline walks, joint integrity work, and balance drills. Friday I was back under the bar with squats, deadlifts, and lower body accessory lifts. Saturday I was supposed to play in a basketball tournament, but that got canceled due to lack of teams. I did, however, go for a fasted walk in the morning and then drive out to the suburbs to pick up some raw milk. Sunday I had bench, rows, and chest accessory lifts.

I can feel that I am really starting to drag now. On Friday I will start my much-needed deload week and then test the following week. After that I am considering breaking out of the SMS mold for a few months.

I also passed the CSCS exam on Friday, which I was really happy about. Now I can finally get to reading some of the other books that have been on my shelf these last few months.

Sunday morning I sent out the June issue of The Source. To get on this mailing list, fill out the required information after clicking here.

That's all for this past week. Now it's time to go live this one.

Get big or die tryin'.

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