The world is only what you perceive it to be. Everyone could see it differently. You could live in other people’s world or live in your own. Say, “This is my world. I live in my world. I choose how to perceive it. No one can change that unless I let them.” Then choose to live it. Change the way you see everything. Believe it is your world and whatever you want to happen, will happen for you if you let it. When things are not going right, or you need to refocus, just remind yourself that it is your world. Remind yourself it is your world, and no one else’s. If you want the world to be kind and loving, choose to see it that way. Cut out everything that does not reinforce that. Live like it’s your life. Be thankful for everyday. Be thankful for everyday living in your world.

This month’s book review is on Deepak Chopra and Rudolph Tanzi’s Super Brain: Unleashing the Explosive Power of Your Mind to Maximize Health, Happiness, and Spiritual Well-Being. Chopra is a medical doctor with training in internal medicine and endocrinology, a senior scientist at the Gallup organization, and author of multiple New York Times bestselling books. Tanzi is a professor of neurology at Harvard Medical School, as well as the director of the Genetics and Aging Research Unit at Massachusetts General Hospital, and heads the Alzheimer’s Genome Project. Together they have combined their expertise to create a comprehensible and complete guide for evolving the ordinary “baseline brain” into the extraordinary “super brain”.
As stated on Wikipedia, “Neuroplasticity refers to changes in neural pathways and synapses, which are due to changes in behavior, environment and neural processes, as well as changes resulting from bodily injury.” This means that our brains have the ability to change and develop over time, either growing stronger and more powerful, or becoming slower and more ‘forgetful’. However, we are also able to choose which of these paths we take. Consistently challenging the brain by learning a variety of new things, performing routine tasks in a non-habitual way, thinking critically, and not always relying on memory crutches (such as lists, GPS’s, and cell phones), will encourage its growth and development throughout life, essentially dramatically slowing down or even preventing age related decline in mental capacity.
Obtaining “super brain” is dependent upon building the connection between the mind and the brain, appreciating the brain’s power and requiring the mind to use it to its full potential. In addition, it includes understanding the connection and the extent to which they affect one another. The end goal being the appropriate balance of the two: advancing one’s mental capacity while achieving enlightenment and discovering an improved perception of reality.
I recommend this book for people interested in learning more about the relationship between the mind and brain, as well as anyone with the desire to strengthen the two and achieve “super brain”.
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