Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Sandbag Training

Ten days ago I made a trip to the hardware store while I was home and picked up some supplies to make my own sandbags. Yesterday was the first day I used them in a full-out workout, and while my knowledge of different exercises to perform with them is limited, they definitely got my heart rate up and my forearms burning.

What makes sandbags unique from other pieces of training equipment is that the mass of the bag is able to shift, move in your hand, and change shape. It is a much different experience than grabbing hold of a stationary dumbbell or barbell because of this motion. There also isn't a defined handle to grab on to; it is more either grabbing along the thick sides or wherever you can along the bag. This alone sets your grip on fire, but what really takes it to the next level are the dynamic movements you can do with the bags.

The movement I enjoyed the most yesterday was grabbing the bag down by my right foot, picking it up and extending overhead as I twist and bring down to the outside of my left foot. Clearly my knowledge of sandbags is limited because this movement probably doesn't sound that sweet and there are probably a lot more fun movements out there. Regardless, I definitely felt this in my forearms, shoulders, abs, glutes, and quads.

You can do a ton of various presses, carries, throws, and other movements with sandbags, as well. Look for a video on some sandbag moves posted on the blog in the next few weeks, as well as one on how to build your own sandbags.

So, if you are looking for a different form of exercise outside of what the standard gym offers, I highly recommend giving sandbag training a try.

Get big or die tryin'.

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