Sunday, May 1, 2011

This Past Week (4/24-4/30)

This past week was the start of SMS^2.5. As I mentioned last week, I squatted and deadlifted the previous Friday. Monday was my bench/rows day, Wednesday was my press/pull-down day, and Thursday I had body weight circuits. Friday I came back for Week 2 of squats/deadlifts, as well. Overall I thought it was a very good week of training. I am really enjoying the new splits and can feel myself getting stronger every week. On Saturday I went for a fasted walk in the morning for about 25 minutes along Lake Michigan. This was a great start to my day and weekend as it got me outside and moving.

I have still be drinking a gallon of milk a day and put on another pound this past week. I am pleased with the results I have been getting in strength and size since I started this. Currently, I am doing very little in the form of cadio, but I will start doing plyos again on May 9 as that will be the one month mark with limited cardio. Then, after another month, I am planning on adding SMF back in. We'll see how my weight responds to the plyos, but that's my plan right now.

I also put a new article up on the site this week. Check out "Death of the Upright Row" on the article page!

That's all for this past week. Now it's time to go live this one.

Get big or die tryin'.

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