Monday, May 30, 2011

This Past Week (5/22-5/29)

Monday is now the new start day for This Past Week because I think on terms of Mondays being the first day of the weeks, even if I write the post on Sundays. Anyways, this past week was my lighter triples and my singles for SMS^2.6. Monday I did plyos, Tuesday was my military press and lat pull-down day, Wednesday I had body weight circuits, and Thursday and Friday were recovery days. I had to go apartment hunting on Thursday and Friday, and drive back to Wisconsin on Friday as well, so my training time was limited. I did do a pilates session on Thursday, which was a new experience for me. It is essentially 50 minutes of ab exercises, mostly isometrics, with your arms and legs going through different ranges of motion. For someone whose has the levers of a 6'5" frame, this type of training was definitely a challenge.

Because of my travel plans on Friday, I moved my squat and deadlift day to Saturday so I wouldn't have to try to hit ten rounds of singles after driving through Chicago traffic for 3 hours. Tony and I went and hit the weights together, and we finished off the training session with a plate pushes and bear crawls circuit. It was a brutal ending, to say the least.

Sunday we headed back to our local Y and I had my bench and rows day. Our dad joined us, too, so we had some pretty good energy going in that weight room. I felt pretty strong all week with my lifts, which was pleasing.

I posted a new article last week on the bioenergetics of basketball and how they should be applied to strength training. You can find this article by clicking here.

I have been feeling good with my mental imaging each day, and have really honed in on my nutrition, as well, these past couple weeks. As a result, I have been feeling a lot more focused and energetic throughout the day and a lot more rested when I wake up.

That's all for this past week. Now it's time to go live this one.

Get big or die tryin'.

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